Climate Action Planning
Greenhouse Gas/Carbon Emissions Reductions
Statewide Regulations
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Net-Zero Emissions of Greenhouse Gases: State Agency Operations (SB 1203)
By 2035, all state agencies must achieve net zero emissions of greenhouse gases from their operations.
2026 Benchmark
2030 Build and Institutionalize
2035 Improve and Reassess
Conduct emissions inventory baselines and create climate action plan
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 75% below baseline
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 100% below baseline
CSU will strive to reduce systemwide facility carbon emissions to 40 percent below 1990 levels consistent with SB 32, California's Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (HSC §38566, effective January 1, 2017). Emissions will include both state and auxiliary organization purchases of electricity and natural gas; fleet, marine vessel usage; and other emissions the university or self-support entity has direct control over. The Chancellor's Office staff will provide the baseline 1990 facility emission levels (for purchased electricity and natural gas) for the campuses that existed at that time and assist campuses added to the CSU after 1990 to determine their appropriate baseline.
The CSU will strive to reduce facility carbon emissions to 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2040 in order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045 in accordance with Statewide mandates. Metrics will include GHG emissions per FTE.