Operations - Buildings and Grounds
Statewide Regulations
Net-Zero Emissions of Greenhouse Gases: State Agency Operations (SB 1203)
By 2035, all state agencies must achieve net zero emissions of greenhouse gases from their operations.
AB 1572 Potable Water: Nonfunctional Turf
Prohibits use of potable water for irrigation of nonfunctional turf beginning January 1, 2028.
Requires state agencies to support the elimination of irrigation of nonfunctional turf with potable water.
IRs for Existing Buildings (DSA)
Replacement Value:
The replacement value of the existing building used in the cost comparison represents the funds required to construct a new building of the same size, configuration, materials, systems, quality of finishes, amenities and intended use. The representative replacement building would be constructed in the same location and comply with the current California Building Code (CBC).
Options to establish building replacement value:
* Default Valuation OPSC Adopted Construction Cost Value.
* Alternate Valuation A Similar building from a minimum of three projects completed within the past 10 years.
* Alternate Valuation B Cost estimate for a new building
* IR EB-1 Existing Building Regulations Overview – issued 03/22/23
* IR EB-2 Conversion of Nonconforming Building – issued 05/01/24
* IR EB-3 Evaluation and Design Criteria Report 2022 – revised 04/04/23
* IR EB-4 Rehabilitation Required by Cost: 2022 CAC - issued 02/28/24
* IR EB-5 Rehabilitation Required by Scope – revised 04/04/23
* IR EB-6 Voluntary Seismic Upgrade – issued 03/19/24
* DSA 1-RUH Request for Finding of Unreasonable Hardship - Updated 09/20/24
* PR 24-04 Request for Unreasonable Hardship Per CBC 11B-202.4 Exception - New Form- 09/18/24
*DSA 1-RTI Request for Technical Infeasibility - New Form - 09/20/24
* PR 24-01 Back Check Procedure for Design Professionals - New Form - 10/16/24
California Community Colleges
Proposed 2025 Climate Action and Sustainability Goals
2026 Benchmark
2030 Build and Institutionalize
2035 Improve and Reassess
Benchmark % of Buildings and Landscapes meeting LEED O & M standards
25% of Districts Buildings and Landscapes meeting LEED O & M certification
50% of Buildings and Landscapes meeting LEED O & M certification
California State University Sustainability Policy
Existing building energy performance will be optimized through improved operation, maintenance and repair, and capital improvement, enabling campuses to meet carbon reduction goals. Sustainable design for capital projects is a process of balancing long-term institutional needs for academic and related programs with environmental concerns. In the context of designing to provide for university and academic needs, the following attributes will be considered "sustainable:"
Siting and design considerations that optimize local geographic features to improve sustainability of the project, such as proximity to public transportation and maximizing use of vistas, microclimate, and prevailing winds;
Durable systems and finishes with long life cycles that minimize maintenance and replacement.
Optimization of layouts and designing spaces that can be reconfigured with the expectation that the facility will be renovated and re-used (versus demolished);
Systems designed for optimization of energy, water, and other natural resources;
Optimization of indoor environmental quality for occupants;
Utilization of environmentally preferable products and processes, such as long life-cycle materials and components, recycled-content and recyclable materials;
Procedures that monitor, trend, and report operational performance as compared to the optimal design and operating parameters.
Cost-effective design features which algin with CSU Basic Needs Initiative and support campus diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.
In informal or unlandscaped areas, and where appropriate, campuses will work to support a naturally functioning habitat, promote biodiversity, and preserve native landscapes.
Building Operation
Building Operations- Programs & Funding
Building Operations - Procurement Agreements ?
WAXIE has helped campuses become cleaner, healthier, greener, and safer. WAXIE industry professionals go above and beyond industry standards to customize cleaning solutions to fit each campus, offering streamlined logistics; ongoing training and support; and delivering products and services on time and on budget.