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California State Policies

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Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Facilities Planning, Design, & Construction

Greenhouse Gas Emissions



California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: Emissions Limit (SB 32)


  • By 2030, the state must reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 40% below the 1990 levels.



Net-Zero Emissions of Greenhouse Gases: State Agency Operations (SB 1203)


  • By 2035, all state agencies must achieve net zero emissions of greenhouse gases from their operations.



The California Climate Crisis Act (AB 1279)


  • By 2045, the state must achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions, then achieve and maintain net negative greenhouse gas emissions thereafter.

  • By 2045, the state must reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 85% below the 1990 levels.








100 Percent Clean Energy Act of 2018 (SB 100)

Clean Energy, Jobs, and Affordability Act of 2022 (SB 1020)


  • By 2030, 60% of the state’s electricity must be renewable.

  • By 2035, 90% of all retail electricity sold in California must come from renewable energy and zero-carbon resources.

  • By 2035, 100% of electricity procured to serve all state agencies must come from renewable energy and zero-carbon resources.

  • By 2040, 95% of all retail electricity sold in California must come from renewable energy and zero-carbon resources.

  • By 2045, 100% of all retail electricity sold in California must come from renewable energy and zero-carbon resources.





Facilities Planning, Design, & Construction



Embodied Carbon Emissions: Construction Materials (AB 2446)


  • By 2035, reduce greenhouse gas emissions of building materials by 40% of a baseline determined by a 2026 CARB report, with an interim target of 20% reduction by 2030.



California Energy Commission Building Energy Efficiency Standards


  • The Building Energy Efficiency Standards serve to reduce wasteful, uneconomical, and unnecessary uses of energy for the state. They include requirements in the Energy Code (Title 24, Part 6) and voluntary energy efficiency provisions in CALGreen (Title 24, Part 11). The Building Energy Efficiency Standards are updated every three years.



California’s Green Building Standards (CALGreen) Code


  • The CALGreen Code includes mandatory measures to support the goals of the State’s greenhouse gas reduction program. The CALGreen Code also promotes healthful indoor and outdoor air quality.



CEQA: Greenhouse Gas Emissions (SB 97)


  • As part of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process (in which public agencies must inform government decisionmakers and the public about the potential environmental effects of proposed activities and prevent significant, avoidable environmental damage), all project documentation must include an analysis of the project’s greenhouse gas emissions and effect on climate change.








Advanced Clean Cars II Regulations


  • By 2035, 100% of in-state sales of new passenger cars, trucks, and SUVs sold in California will be zero-emission vehicles.

  • By 2045, all operations of medium- and heavy-duty vehicles shall be 100 percent zero emission by 2045 where feasible, with the mandate going into effect by 2035 for drayage trucks.



Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act of 2008 (SB 375)


  • By 2035, the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) must reduce greenhouse gas emissions from passenger vehicles by 19 percent per capita in the region relative to 2005 levels.








Mandatory Commercial Recycling (AB 341 and SB 1018)

Mandatory Commercial Organics Recycling (AB 1826)

California's Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Law (SB 1383)


  • Divert 75% of all waste produced from landfill statewide.

  • By 2025, reduce organic waste disposal to 75% of 2014 levels.

  • Non-local entities, including community colleges, are currently required to:

    • maintain mandatory commercial recycling and organic recycling programs, including ensuring that properly labeled and colored recycling containers are available to collect bottles, cans, paper, cardboard, food waste, and other recyclable materials in all areas where disposal containers are provided, except in restrooms and areas where that type of material is not generated (e.g., food waste in a classroom or office).

    • educate employees about organic waste prevention and ensure employees properly sort their organic waste into the correct containers.

    • provide containers to collect organic waste and recyclables.

  • 20% of edible food that is currently disposed of must be recovered for human consumption.

  • If the non-local entity includes a commercial edible food generator, such as a restaurant that has 250 or more seats or is over 5,000 square feet or an event or venue that serves an average of more than 2,000 individuals per day of operation, then they must arrange to recover the maximum amount of their edible food that would otherwise go to landfills. Non-local entities on college campuses may donate to the college’s food pantry if there is one on site.

  • Food recovery organizations and services that participate in SB 1383 must maintain records.

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