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Legislation: Nonfunctional Turf

AB 1572 Potable Water: Nonfunctional turf Chapter 849, Statutes of 2023 Adds Water Code Chapter 2.5

* Defines nonfunctional turf as: Any turf that is not functional turf, and includes turf located within street rights of way and parking lots.

* Defines functional turf as: Ground cover surface of turf located in a recreational use area or community space. Turf enclosed by fencing or other barriers to permanently preclude human access for recreation or assembly is not functional turf.

* Defines recreational use area as: An area designated by a governmental agency to accommodate foot traffic for recreation, either formal or informal, such as sports fields and playgrounds.

* Prohibits use of potable water for irrigation of nonfunctional turf beginning January 1, 2028.

* Requires state agencies to support the elimination of irrigation of nonfunctional turf with potable water.

Legislation: Student Housing

AB 358 Chapter 83 Statutes of 2023

* Exempts student housing projects from DSA review and construction oversight.

* Projects are public housing and housing at a place of education under the CBC, including single-family.

* Check out PL 24-01 for housing projects on a school campus

2022 All-Gender Multi-user Restroom Facilities

All-Gender Multi-user Restroom Facilities

* Not a requirement but an option.

* Provides an exception to current requirements to provide separate facilities.

* Allows for the replacement of a Urinal with a Toilet (Water Closet).

* Urinals must be in privacy compartment or in a separate space.

*Accessibility requirements for urinal compartments in CBC Chapter 11B.

CALGreen CO2 Monitoring

CO2 Monitoring: Existing Facilities

* Requires CO2 monitors in existing K12 classrooms when a building is modernized.

* Effective Date: July 1, 2024​

CALGreen EV Charging 

​EV Charging: Charging Power Alternative and Existing Facilities

New Parking Facilities:

* Requires Level 1, Low Power Level 2 or Level 2, or any combination thereof, providing a minimum total power based on number of parking spaces in a facility.

For Existing Facilities:

* Required if installing new light fixtures in existing parking, adding to parking facilities, or installing solar PVs over parking. Requires chargers to be installed in EV capable spaces when a project is submitted to DSA.

* Effective Date: July 1, 2024


New IR CG-1 Electric Vehicle Chargers in New Construction Additions and Alterations has been Issued 

CALGreen Carbon Reduction Regulation

Carbon Reduction Regulations Mandatory Measures


50,000 sf aggregate and greater for K-12 schools and community colleges


BUILDING REUSE: Reuse existing building, maintain 45% of the existing structure and enclosure.


WBLCA: Performance Path- Conduct a cradle-to-grave whole building life cycle assessment demonstrating at 10% reduction in global warming potential (GWP).


PRESCRIPTIVE PATH: Comply with product GWP limits established in the BCCA. Based on 175% of IW-EDP GWP values (weighted average alternate available for concrete)

Sustainability Plan Review


* Greater support at pre-application meetings

* Greater compliance of requirements

* Understanding of challenges in implementation

New checklist: DSA 403-C to be submitted with each project, replaces GL-4.

* Intended to be used as a guide for submitting complete documents that incorporate the current CALGreen requirements for DSA adopted mandatory measures.

2022 Energy Code: Solar PV and Battery Storage

2022 California Energy Code Title 24 Part 6 Section 410-10

* Solar Panels (PV) and companion Battery Storage is required for newly constructed buildings

* There are some exceptions (most straight forward is building size)

* California Energy Commission website has Nonresidential Compliance Manual (chapter 9) that is helpful

* DSA will check projects for general compliance. If solar/battery is required and not included in the initial submittal, the project will be considered incomplete for plan review

Solar PV

* PV systems must comply with 2022 CBC

* DSA developed and published IR 16-8 in 2008 to assist designers in understanding Structural, Fire and Access code requirements as well as DSA submittal process

* IR 16-8 was updated in 2024 and provides 2022 CBC compliance requirements

* Existing campus sized solar PV may be used for new construction PV requirements.

* Requires substantiation of power generation through DSA 1-AMM-PV

Battery Storage (BESS)

* Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) must comply with 2022 CBC

* DSA published IR N-4 early in 2023 to assist designers in understanding Structural and Fire Code requirements as well as DSA submittal requirements

The DSA has revised Interpretation of Regulations (IR) N-4: Modular Battery Energy Storage Systems: 2022 CBC and CFC. 

* This IR clarifies structural and fire and life safety (FLS) design requirements as well as identifying what shall be included in the construction documents. This includes the requirements for flood design, tests, and special inspections, FLS compliance, as well as exceptions that may be used for battery energy storage systems. This IR also clarifies the seismic design or alternative shake table testing requirements of premanufactured modules and the internal components for seismic loading.

* IR N-4 is for prefabricated BESS that are not on or inside a building

* Structural Codes - 2022 CBC and ASCE 7-16

* Fire Life Safety Code – 2022 California Fire Code (CFC 1207)

IRs for Existing Buildings


Replacement Value:

The replacement value of the existing building used in the cost comparison represents the funds required to construct a new building of the same size, configuration, materials, systems, quality of finishes, amenities and intended use. The representative replacement building would be constructed in the same location and comply with the current California Building Code (CBC).


Options to establish building replacement value:

* Default Valuation OPSC Adopted Construction Cost Value.

* Alternate Valuation A Similar building from a minimum of three projects completed within the past 10 years.

* Alternate Valuation B Cost estimate for a new building


* IR EB-1 Existing Building Regulations Overview – issued 03/22/23

* IR EB-2 Conversion of Nonconforming Building – issued 05/01/24

* IR EB-3 Evaluation and Design Criteria Report 2022 – revised 04/04/23

* IR EB-4 Rehabilitation Required by Cost: 2022 CAC - issued 02/28/24

* IR EB-5 Rehabilitation Required by Scope – revised 04/04/23

* IR EB-6 Voluntary Seismic Upgrade – issued 03/19/24 

* DSA 1-RUH Request for Finding of Unreasonable Hardship - Updated 09/20/24

* PR 24-04 Request for Unreasonable Hardship Per CBC 11B-202.4 Exception - New Form- 09/18/24

*DSA 1-RTI Request for Technical Infeasibility - New Form - 09/20/24

* PR 24-01 Back Check Procedure for Design Professionals - New Form - 10/16/24 

Addressing Natural Disasters

With No Declared Emergency:

* Contact your local DSA Regional Office for assistance.


If Governor declares an emergency:

* Request SAP evaluation from local enforcement entity

* DSA will receive a Mission Task to dispatch a DSA SAP to provide rapid assessment

* Subsequent related events may require additional Mission Tasks or reissuance of a Mission Task.

DSA Academy

Accessibility Training:

* California EVCS Accessibility

* Housing at a Place of Education

* Circulation Paths

* CRASCA CASp Reports

* Free, On Demand, CEU credit


Sustainability Topics:

* All-Electric Schools Kitchen of the Future

* Green Schoolyards


Structural Safety:

* 2022 Code Amendments

* Structural Plan Review


Coming soon:

* CALGreen Embodied Carbon Regulations

* Free, On Demand, CEU credit

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