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How to Add Benchmarking Reference Numbers (BRNs)

Beginning in 2023, the Energy Commission added a benchmarking reference number to allow for tracking the tens of thousands of disclosable buildings. This unique value will remain the same every year and matches the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager reporting with the building record.


To complete your submission, please follow these instructions to add the benchmarking reference number and resubmit the benchmarking report.


  1. Go to

  2. Find the benchmarking reference number. Search for the building’s street address in the ‘Street’ field. In the table that populates, find the building street address in the column titled ‘Street.’ The benchmarking reference number is in the first column on the left titled ‘Reference #.’

  3. Log in to ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager and, from the Dashboard, click on the property to add its benchmarking reference number.

  4. Navigate to the ‘Details’ tab.

  5. Scroll down to ‘Unique Identifiers (IDs)’ box on the left and click ‘Edit.’

  6. Scroll down to ‘Standard ID - State/Province:’ From the drop-down menu select 'California Benchmarking Reference Number' and enter the corresponding benchmarking reference number.

  7. Click ‘Save.’


You only need to add the benchmarking reference number once. After saving, all future reports submitted for this property will include the number. 


If you have any questions regarding finding your benchmarking reference number, or how to bring your building into compliance, contact the benchmarking call center at or (855) 279-6460.

For additional support, contact Lisa Imai at

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