Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program
The Carl Moyer Program provides grant funding for cleaner-than-required engines, equipment, and other sources of air pollution.
The Carl Moyer Program provides grant funding for cleaner-than-required engines, equipment, and other sources of air pollution. The Carl Moyer Program is implemented as a partnership between CARB and California’s 35 local air districts. CARB works collaboratively with the air districts and other stakeholders to set Guidelines and ensure the Program reduces pollution and provides cleaner air for Californians.
The Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program (Carl Moyer Program) provides grant funding for cleaner-than-required engines, equipment, and other sources of air pollution. The Carl Moyer Program is implemented as a partnership between CARB and California’s 35 local air districts. CARB works collaboratively with the air districts and other stakeholders to set Guidelines and ensure the Program reduces pollution and provides cleaner air for Californians.
Funding Availability: Contact your local air district for current information on funding availability, project eligibility, applications, and application selection timeline.
The following list of source categories funded under the Carl Moyer Program provides more information about funding opportunities and whether your vehicle or equipment may be eligible. Each category listed is linked to program information pertaining to project and applicant eligibility.
Available Counties
Amador County APCD Includes all of Amador County
Antelope Valley AQMD Includes northeast portion of Los Angeles County
Bay Area AQMD Includes Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara counties, and the western portion of Solano and southern portion of Sonoma counties
Butte County AQMD Includes all of Butte County
Calaveras County APCD Includes all of Calaveras County
Colusa County APCD Includes all of Colusa County
Eastern Kern APCD Includes eastern portion of Kern County
El Dorado County AQMD Includes all of El Dorado County
Feather River AQMD Includes all of Sutter and Yuba counties
Glenn County APCD Includes all of Glenn County
Great Basin Unified APCD Includes all of Alpine, Inyo, and Mono counties
Imperial County APCD Includes all of Imperial County
Lake County AQMD Includes all of Lake County
Lassen County APCD Includes all of Lassen County
Mariposa County APCD Includes all of Mariposa County
Mendocino County AQMD Includes all of Mendocino County
Modoc County APCD Includes all of Modoc County
Mojave Desert AQMD Includes the Northern portion of San Bernardino County, and the eastern
portion of Riverside County Monterey Bay Air Resources District
Includes all of Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz counties
North Coast Unified AQMD Includes all of Del Norte, Humboldt, and Trinity counties
Northern Sierra AQMD Includes all of Nevada, Plumas, and Sierra counties
Northern Sonoma County APCD Includes Northern portion of Sonoma County
Placer County APCD Includes all of Placer County
Sacramento Metro AQMD Includes all of Sacramento County
San Diego County APCD Includes all of San Diego County
San Joaquin Valley APCD Includes all of Fresno, Kings, Madera, Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus,
Tulare, and Valley air basin portions of Kern counties
San Luis Obispo County APCD Includes all of San Luis Obispo County
Santa Barbara County APCD Includes all of Santa Barbara County
Shasta County AQMD Includes all of Shasta County
Siskiyou County APCD Includes all of Siskiyou County
South Coast AQMD Includes Los Angeles County except for areas covered by the Antelope Valley AQMD, Orange County, and the western portion of San Bernardino and Riverside counties
Tehama County APCD Includes all of Tehama County
Tuolumne County APCD Includes all of Tuolumne County
Ventura County APCD Includes all of Ventura County
Yolo-Solano AQMD Includes all of Yolo and the eastern portion of Solano counties
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