Local Electric Vehicle Charging Programs
Local vehicle charging programs
LADWP: Commercial EV Charging Station Rebate Program | Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (ladwp.com)
Antelope Valley AQMD: Electric Vehicle Charging Station Program - Antelope Valley Air Quality Management District (ca.gov)
San Joaquin Valley APCD: Charge Up! | Valley Air District
Turlock Irrigation District: Electric Vehicles - TID Water & Power
Liberty Utilities: EV Charger Rebates (libertyutilities.com)
MCE: EV Charging to Improve Your Workplace or Multifamily Property (mcecleanenergy.org)
Alameda MP: Electric Vehicles | Alameda Municipal Power, CA (alamedamp.com)
CCCE: Electrify Your Ride – Commercial - Central Coast Community Energy (3cenergy.org)
Burbank Water and Power: Lead The Charge - Commercial EV Charging Station Rebate (burbankwaterandpower.com)
Glendale: Electric Vehicles | City of Glendale, CA (glendaleca.gov)
Pasadena Water and Power: Commercial Charger Incentive Program | Pasadena Water and Power (cityofpasadena.net)
Silicon Valley Power: Rebates | Silicon Valley Power
Bay Area AQMD: Infrastructure (baaqmd.gov) (Heavy Duty only)
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