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Water Efficiency Survey Program

Free in-person water use surveys to provide recommendations for reducing water waste.

Surveys are scheduled on a first-come, first-serve basis and properties must be located within Metropolitan’s service area. To request a survey, please complete the online application. The property may only receive one survey for the life of the program. Funding is limited and submitting an application does not guarantee a survey will be provided.

View Fact Sheet

Commercial Application

Terms & Conditions

The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is a consortium of 26 cities and water districts that provides drinking water to nearly 19 million people in parts of Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura counties.

How it Works

A certified landscape irrigation auditor will survey and provide written recommendations for qualifying industrial and commercial sites within Metropolitan’s service area at no cost. To participate, properties must have a minimum of one acre of irrigated area. Only portions of the property receiving regular irrigation with an established irrigation system count towards the one acre minimum. A pre-inspection will be performed to confirm the minimum one acre of irrigated area. Eligible landscapes include industrial and commercial sites, homeowner association common areas, and institutional sites like schools, parks, and government facilities. Surveys are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. To request a survey, please complete the online application.

Funding is limited and submitting an application does not guarantee a survey will be provided.

What to Expect

The property owner, manager, or authorized representative with access to the irrigation controllers must be present during the survey. The certified landscape auditor will conduct a comprehensive review of the irrigation system including:


  • System pressure

  • Controllers

  • Site conditions and irrigation scheduling

  • Issues that cause higher water use, such as valve malfunctions, high or low pressure, sprinkler misalignment, poor draining, breaks and leaks, runoff, etc.


Participants will receive a written report that includes:

  • Data collected during the survey

  • Recommendations for improving the site’s irrigation efficiency including system repairs, equipment updates, and irrigation scheduling

  • Information about available financial incentives to help with the cost of recommended improvements

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