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Statewide Regulations


Mandatory Commercial Recycling (AB 341 and SB 1018)

Mandatory Commercial Organics Recycling (AB 1826)

California's Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Law (SB 1383)

  • Divert 75% of all waste produced from landfill statewide.

  • By 2025, reduce organic waste disposal to 75% of 2014 levels.

  • Non-local entities, including community colleges, are currently required to:

    • maintain mandatory commercial recycling and organic recycling programs, including ensuring that properly labeled and colored recycling containers are available to collect bottles, cans, paper, cardboard, food waste, and other recyclable materials in all areas where disposal containers are provided, except in restrooms and areas where that type of material is not generated (e.g., food waste in a classroom or office).

    • educate employees about organic waste prevention and ensure employees properly sort their organic waste into the correct containers.

    • provide containers to collect organic waste and recyclables.

  • 20% of edible food that is currently disposed of must be recovered for human consumption.

  • If the non-local entity includes a commercial edible food generator, such as a restaurant that has 250 or more seats or is over 5,000 square feet or an event or venue that serves an average of more than 2,000 individuals per day of operation, then they must arrange to recover the maximum amount of their edible food that would otherwise go to landfills. Non-local entities on college campuses may donate to the college’s food pantry if there is one on site.

  • Food recovery organizations and services that participate in SB 1383 must maintain records.

California Community Colleges
Proposed 2025 Climate Action and Sustainability Goals

2026 Benchmark
2030 Build and Institutionalize
2035 Improve and Reassess
  • Benchmark and comply with state regulations 

  • Benchmark Waste Profile for total Waste produced

  • Benchmark % diverted from landfill and comply with state regulations

  • Divert 50% of all Construction & Demolition Waste from landfill     

  • Reduce total waste generated by 20% per combined FTES & FTE (On-site & hybrid) 

  • 75% diverted from landfill and comply with state regulations 

  • Divert 75% of all Construction & Demolition Waste from landfill 

  • Reduce total waste generated by 40% per combined FTES & FTE (On-site & hybrid) 

  • 90% diverted from landfill and comply with state regulations 

California State University Sustainability Policy

  1. Campuses shall seek to reduce landfill bound waste to 50 percent of total campus waste by 2030, divert at least 80 percent from landfill by 2040, and move toward zero waste.

  2. Campuses shall identify and implement cost effective opportunities for organics diversion, collection, and disposal and shall designate zero waste responsibilities for coordinating campus waste prevention, reduction and diversion efforts. Campuses will continue to report on all disposal activities using the CalRecycle State Agency Reporting Center (SARC) and are encouraged to coordinate and maintain a solid waste management plan as it is a requirement in the utility master plan.

  3. The CSU will continue to reduce hazardous waste disposal while supporting the academic program.

Organics and Recycling

Waste - Programs & Funding ?

Professional Development

California Climate Action Corps

The program connects climate-related organizations to emerging leaders to move the needle on climate change in communities throughout the state. If you need help for your frontline climate work and are passionate about mentoring, we want to hear from you!

Professional Development

California Conservation Corps

NEED A CREW? California’s local corps are an excellent resource for your environmental and community service projects. Our skilled, reliable and well-trained crews will meet your needs while building the next generation of environmental stewards in California. From landscaping to urban forestry, affordable housing construction to emergency response and a host of other Initiatives, local corpsmembers are trained by our experienced staff to meet the highest standards and get the job done with professionalism and efficiency.

Professional Development

SEI Climate Corps Fellowship Program

Could a Climate Corps Fellow help drive your organization’s sustainability and climate-related projects forward?

Waste - Procurement Agreements ?


BigBelly Solar Intelligent Waste and Recycling Collection System

More efficiently manage the process of collecting solid waste and recycling.

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 Waste RFP Examples

CCC Waste RFP Examples




Rio Hondo College



Antelope Valley College



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