Design and Construction
Statewide Regulations
2022 Energy Code: Solar PV and Battery Storage (DSA)
Solar Panels (PV) and companion Battery Storage is required for newly constructed buildings. See Energy Generation & Storage for more details.
AB 1572 Potable Water: Nonfunctional turf (DSA)
Use of potable water for irrigation of nonfunctional turf is prohibited beginning January 1, 2028. See Operations - Building & Grounds for more details.
CALGreen Carbon Reduction Regulation - Mandatory Measures (DSA)
50,000 sf aggregate and greater for K-12 schools and community colleges
BUILDING REUSE: Reuse existing building, maintain 45% of the existing structure and enclosure.
WBLCA: Performance Path- Conduct a cradle-to-grave whole building life cycle assessment demonstrating at 10% reduction in global warming potential (GWP).
PRESCRIPTIVE PATH: Comply with product GWP limits established in the BCCA. Based on 175% of IW-EDP GWP values (weighted average alternate available for concrete)
Goals of Sustainability Plan Review (DSA)
Greater support at pre-application meetings
Greater compliance of requirements
Understanding of challenges in implementation
New checklist: DSA 403-C to be submitted with each project, replaces GL-4.
Intended to be used as a guide for submitting complete documents that incorporate the current CALGreen requirements for DSA adopted mandatory measures.
Embodied Carbon Emissions: Construction Materials (AB 2446)
By 2035, reduce greenhouse gas emissions of building materials by 40% of a baseline determined by a 2026 CARB report, with an interim target of 20% reduction by 2030.
California Energy Commission Building Energy Efficiency Standards
The Building Energy Efficiency Standards serve to reduce wasteful, uneconomical, and unnecessary uses of energy for the state. They include requirements in the Energy Code (Title 24, Part 6) and voluntary energy efficiency provisions in CALGreen (Title 24, Part 11). The Building Energy Efficiency Standards are updated every three years.
California’s Green Building Standards (CALGreen) Code
The CALGreen Code includes mandatory measures to support the goals of the State’s greenhouse gas reduction program. The CALGreen Code also promotes healthful indoor and outdoor air quality.
Sustainable Built Environment (SB 416)
Requires that all new buildings or major renovations larger than 10,000 square feet earn the "Gold" level of LEED certification and incorporate on-site renewable energy if economically feasible.
CEQA: Greenhouse Gas Emissions (SB 97)
As part of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process (in which public agencies must inform government decisionmakers and the public about the potential environmental effects of proposed activities and prevent significant, avoidable environmental damage), all project documentation must include an analysis of the project’s greenhouse gas emissions and effect on climate change.
Zero Net Energy (ZNE) for New Buildings
All new residential construction will be zero net energy (ZNE) by 2020.
All new commercial construction will be ZNE by 2030.
50% of commercial buildings will be retrofit to ZNE by 2030.
50% of new major renovations of state buildings will be ZNE by 2025
California Community Colleges
Proposed 2025 Climate Action and Sustainability Goals
2026 Benchmark
2030 Build and Institutionalize
2035 Improve and Reassess
Benchmark % of Buildings that meet LEED, Living Building Challenge LBC Certification or Nationally Recognized Greenbuilding Certification (New Construction & Major Renovation
Benchmark % diverted from landfill and comply with state regulations
All new Buildings will achieve LEED Gold or higher, Living Building Challenge LBC Certification, or Nationally recognized Greenbuilding certification (New Construction & Major Renovation)
Divert 50% of all Construction & Demolition Waste from landfill
All new Buildings achieve LEED Platinum, Living Building Challenge LBC Certification or Nationally Recognized Greenbuilding certification (New Construction & Major Renovation)
Divert 75% of all Construction & Demolition Waste from landfill
California State University Sustainability Policy
All future CSU new construction, remodeling, renovation, and repair projects, regardless of funding source, will be designed with consideration of optimum energy utilization, decarbonization, and low life-cycle operating costs and shall exceed all applicable energy codes and regulations (Building Energy Efficiency Standards, Tit. 24 CCR § 6) by ten percent. In the areas of specialized construction that are not regulated through the current energy standards, such as historical buildings, museums, and auditoriums, the CSU will ensure that these facilities are designed to maximize energy efficiency. Energy efficient and sustainable design features in the project plans and specifications will be considered in balance with the academic program needs of the project within the available project budget.
Capital planning for state, non-state facilities and infrastructure shall consider features of a sustainable and durable design to achieve a low life cycle cost. Campuses shall design, construct, operate, and maintain green building certified high performing buildings, regardless of funding source, that improve occupant productivity and wellness, optimize life-cycle costs, and minimize carbon impact. Principles and best practices established by leading industry standards or professional organizations shall be implemented to the greatest extent possible.
In order to implement the sustainable building goal in a cost-effective manner, the process will: identify economic and environmental performance measures; determine cost savings; use extended life cycle costing; and adopt an integrated systems approach. Such an approach treats the entire building as one system and recognizes that individual building features, such as lighting, windows, heating and cooling systems, or control systems are not stand-alone systems.
The CSU shall design and build all new buildings and major renovations to meet or exceed the minimum requirements equivalent to LEED Silver. Each campus shall strive to achieve a higher standard equivalent to LEED Gold or Platinum within project budget constraints. Each campus may pursue external certification through the LEED process or alternative sustainable building rating systems. If the project is not registered through U.S. Green Building Council, then a qualified campus staff member shall evaluate the documentation necessary to determine LEED equivalence and shall attest that equivalence has been achieved.
Design and Construction
Design and Construction - Programs & Funding
Design and Construction - Procurement Agreements
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